AMVAC Chemical Corporation
Baldwin Hills Investors Ltd
Baxter Healthcare
The Boeing Company
California Institute of Technology

Community Access
Compton Commercial Renaissance Plaza
Downtown Women’s Center
Ferris Baker Watts, Inc
Fidelity Mortgage Lenders, Inc
Housing Authority of the City of Los Angeles
Housing Authority of the County of LA
Hughes Aircraft
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
Jovenes, Inc
Long Beach Housing Development Co
Northrop Grumman
Oxnard Center Company
Pepperdine University
Planned Parenthood Los Angeles
Rockwell Science Center (now Teledyne Scientific & Imaging)
Rocketdyne (now Aerojet Rocketdyne)
Siemens Healthcare
Skye Partners
Jane Spiller
Danilo Terribili
University of Southern California
Ventura County Medical Center
Ventura County Public Health Department
Walters Storyk Design Group
W.E. O’Neil Construction
Wherehouse Entertainment, Inc

Peter L. Woll Architect
WORKS (Women Organizing Resources and Knowledge)
John Zeisel & Jacqueline Vischer